Why does it happen that the thing you most want to do, when you are so excited about it, finally comes to mean a little less than it did when you first heard about it?
Here's what has happened! A friend of mine, asked me to attend a two-day workshop on Urban Disaster Risk Management in another city, along with her. I told her, I'll try to tell her my commitment to the workshop in a few days and I did let her know yesterday that I could come, after taking care of my exams and studies. Only to find, my friend very conveniently messages me on a social networking site, that she wouldn't be able to make it! And this is the same girl who once said to me, 'You always cancel plans Sharayu!' Really? I find it hard to believe now like I did then!
How can people not honor their word and just let go off things in such a casual manner?
I've always attended events and workshops alone for most of the time, even when I was in Architecture school. This callousness of people bothers me to a great extent. People cannot seem to value their own commitment to a particular cause, person or event, whatsoever! And they are so non-apologetic about it.
My 'post-economic boom' born generation has now grown up to discard the most basic and valued human niceties!
Maybe I should make myself accustomed to face such disappointments now! Isn't that's how most of us live anyway?
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