For days and weeks I have been trying to locate this place! But, Alas! Going by the praises heaped, I am looking forward to explore this bookstore (shall I call it one?) considering it has Coffee and eatables to hold people's attention while browsing books. How Silly! Then it becomes not a bookstore but a hangout place which I rather would not want it to be! I have always imagined bookstores to be sacred places where one is lost in the wonderful world of books and where no distractions dare disturb anyone.
There are quite a few places such as these! There is a wonderful book house called The People's Book House at Fort. Its located in an alley behind American Dryfruits in Meher House bldg. Its a cozy little place all cramped with books. When you first enter that will be your reaction seeing books all around you. Its a perfect getaway from the outside world. They offer discounts as well which is ideal for me! You'll find every genre from classics to history to literature. Its a fabulous place to be lost for hours.
Another bookstore that I absolutely love visiting is The Secondhand Bookstore located near Metro Cinema. It is another cramped little cozy place with lots of books. The huge racks of books hide one well. There are encyclopedias and geographical navigation books from the 19th century. And, there are books available on Fighter Planes, Aircrafts, Marine Vessels, Submarines as well. They give discounts too. It is a favourite with students for it has reference books on so many subjects.
This is about all the big bookstores but I also know of alleys which have small bookshops that sell Condensed versions of Classics and a lot of English Grammar Books published by McMillan. Genuine treasure is what I call them.
Recently, I read about Shashikant Sawant, a book collecter who helps people search for rare books. Well, I have a good list and I hope to contact him at the earliest. And, paying a visit to Kitabkhana is on my itinerary as well.
Happy Reading to all book lovers!
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