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Wake up and smell the coffee

‘The only way to get rid of temptation,’ Oscar Wilde wrote in The Picture of Dorian Gray, ‘is to yield to it.’
I am yet to experience this personally. The temptation to keep buying books when I enter book stores doesn't end even after buying more than I can carry back home. The temptation to eat sweets even though I have had more than my share is difficult to get rid off merely by yielding to it. The temptation of spending time with my beloved ones without watching the clock ceases to come to reality. Good things end so early. But then, we need these restrictions. We really do. Our fickle minds need some discipline.

It was Ben Franklin who wrote in his Autobiography- ‘I wish’d to live without committing any fault at any time; and to conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into.’ The virtues he listed were temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquillity, chastity and humility.

Perhaps these come off as too idealistic for our times now, but why not? I would totally live upon these morals if they help me become a better person than I am. If these virtues make me look beyond the material and worldly things and grant me an inner peace that we all keep searching for, I take them up. Since looking through a host of life's varied experiences that range from self-confidence, trust, misery, selfish love to friendship, and I am sure there are more to come, these virtues seem such a blessing. Ethics and morals are two aspects of human behaviour that trouble all. How to be ethical and moral at the same time? How to not compromise on our set ideals as an individual and even if & when they are challenged, how to tackle that? I believe it was Shakespeare who wrote, Journeys end in lovers meeting, and I am an ardent Bard follower. Are we not all lovers and caged souls that struggle to link and de-link all expressions of love and misery at once? 

It used to amuse me long ago, and perhaps still does that we are so scared to express our love and shower it generously on those we admire, adore and desire. For love has so many dimensions, it is still different for all. I remember this one conservative teacher of mine from college who used to say that love is a concept from western society and that it is corrupted beyond repair. Whereas, bhakti (devotion) is an essential Indian idea which keeps the society balanced. I always hated her for saying this but I guess, she was mostly well-read only on the Indian philosophical ideas so it was quite pointless in arguing about it then. Also, I was always scared of her strong voice and big eyes that she rolled and stared at people who dared question her. So, that being, I still remember her theory because it sounded totally absurd to me then, does even today. 

But I will be emulating Franklin and start with practising virtues of temperance and order if something doesn't find acceptance in my thought. What better way to start now when we have enough reasons to start pondering on the state our society finds itself in today? It's not too late to wake up and smell the coffee now since we are addicted beings. The gift of a happy life awaits us all if we work towards it. 


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