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Because I'm happy and I know it!

I just returned from a weekend trip to a city I've been frequently travelling to in this year. This trip was special. It was a grand get-together of my extended family for celebrating my Grandpa's 75th birthday. The moment I entered the venue, I was greeted with the warmest hugs and affectionate smiles by my grandmothers, aunts and cousins I typically meet only during Diwali due to our hectic schedules now. The party venue was an air-conditioned banquet hall and I started feeling cold in the very first few minutes of being there when my grandma embraced me in her super warm and cosy arms. I instantly got transported back to my childhood. She is one of the nicest persons who also possesses a calm aura around herself that she radiates with a brilliant abundance. I took my grandpa's cold hands in my own and wished him a happy 75th. He immediately remarked how grown up I looked. I had to tell him it was because of my hair, all messy and tangled from the travel when he let out his wonderful quiet laugh over my quipping. 

At the party, I hopped from table to table meeting my many aunts, uncles and their kids, embracing grandparents and being content over this little meet that made for a welcome change from the everyday dread I had been working with back in Mumbai. My youngest and ever beautiful aunt despite recovering from a recent surgery came and spread her angelic presence over all. She stuns people with her easy going admiration for them. I love meeting all these strong, kind and gracious women in my family- whenever we meet, we pick up from our old conversations, always steering towards something new, exciting and mind boggling and set the house on fire. I met my sweet nephew who just turned one in April and there he was walking, taking baby steps and sometimes attempting to run after a stray balloon flying in the hall. He seemed particularly amused when I blew a balloon for him and kept shooting me happy smiles that I take indicated his fondness and familiarity towards me. The nicest part was when one of my uncles who was in-charge of the photography came in from no where and caught me in an animated conversation with my grandma and aunt and made us blush with his compliments over the candid moment. I realised and recognised this is how family makes us feel loved and knit together as individuals when we look after each other through moments thick and thin. That moment also told me something about the impermanence of happiness as a fleeting state of emotions. Because I had been too caught up with the intricacies of mundane everyday that it never occurred to me about the lightness of being, of just existing. Sometimes there is this all-or-nothing dilemma wading through our minds, too indecisive to really reflect upon its significance on that moment. And then it just passes by without us having to make any decisions or claim responsibility for its after-effects. I like this state although I prefer a knowing, calm, in control state a lot much than I usually get to work with.

My grandpa's 75th was an important celebration because he had seen a lot of struggles with flailing health since his retirement and the once cherubic happy man was left tied to his helplessness over the past few years. I have watched him like this for close to a decade now. It really saddens me when I remember the times he walked and strolled through my college gardens, his eyes searching me in the crowds of young girls and boys, lifting up in happiness when he spotted me. I would introduce him to everyone and he often laughed over that I wasn't embarrassed by his presence among my peers. I loved to show him my work in the many studios we worked in after the academic hours. His quiet understanding made me brim with happiness.

My aunt who supervised arrangements for this birthday celebration grew teary eyed when he thanked her for everything that made his day so beautiful. Many of us surrounding him couldn't stop our eyes from glinting when he said, let's have another such moment soon. His optimism and penchant for positive spirits cheered us enough to erupt in a loud laughter together. The many endless conversations I had on that cold Saturday warmed the cockles of my heart, leaving me happy and blessed to be so loved and wanted by these people I call my family. All of us are each other's shadows, basking in the warmth and glow of our kindred souls. May there be many more such happy and loved family celebrations ahead. This moment, something I read earlier in the day pops into my mind- There isn't a structure on earth that could last forever. But a family goes on. *Amen*


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