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Forward march

Suddenly I've started feeling envious of all the 24 year-old youngsters. Not that I'm old compared to them, but I wish I WERE 24 today to possess the same energy, liveliness and excitement to do things. With these thoughts I was reeking in a wee bit misery last night, when I decided to install the Amazon Kindle app on my phone. It asked me a few preferences and rate some books for further reading suggestions. To my utter surprise, I saw books by Cheryl Strayed on the list. I had read about Strayed's WILD because of the movie promotions. So, I started off by reading Brave Enough: A mini instruction manual for the soul, intrigued by its title. The book consists of Quotes that helped Cheryl (forgive my first name calling, but I feel like she is my soul sister after reading the book), go through stressful times in her life while growing up. She writes about noting quotes that inspired her, everywhere in her house and places where she could read them always. I instantly knew what she felt about Quotes encouraging her spirits through times of distress because I have done so too. I have held strongly to words that raised my morale and kept me together throughout my miserable times in life. Be it academics or professional failures, I kept going by encouraging myself through a plethora of quotes that made me believe in my potential and self, more than what the current tide would be saying. I decided to row against the negative that was being implied and it was helped great deal by a selection of quotes that I consider my life motto now. NEVER GIVE UP! is one of those.

I also ended up reading late at night, a seminal text from 1911 written by Emma Goldman titled, Marriage and Love. It's an unfortunate reality that society even today in the second decade of this 21st century pressures people and especially women into undergoing choices that are out of their will. Goldman writes succinctly about the institution of marriage and childrearing as these were considered the only circle in a woman's life back then. The difference between texts and essays written by feminists from all the decades from the suffragette movement is that each one of them clearly expresses their anger and resolve to create a new inclusive world for women instead of disappointment and helplessness at the slow pace of the events that changed the course of politics around the world. Imagine this changed world with little improvements yet for women who still have to fight for legislations for Abortions, Planned Parenthood, Reproductive rights and ownership of their bodies. What would these feminists had they lived long enough think about the current state of women in the world today? Certainly, not a very encouraging scenario from how they started the movement. Isn't it tragic in a way that we as society still link marriage and love together in a vain connection whose onus solely depends on a woman's conduct, both inside and outside the home? What are men doing if not put us under a burden of their patriarchal diktats further pushing us away from liberation and freedom for our individual selves? Even today, as I write here, I see and hear talk of marriage as the sole highest point of achievement for women. Not even urban women are spared from the third party decisions took on their behalf for their well-being by people who perhaps don't understand the pace of their lives any more. If only, as society we let individuals be themselves without any inter-dependence on these age-old institutions and perceived moral cages of social order, the planet would be a definite better place to live for men and women alike.

My thought trail kept on treading too many a different topics. I realised that at age 24, I did not have the luxury of dwelling on the many ideas and ventures I do now. Also, don't we always pine for the past days and long for them in the belief that it was the best time of our lives regardless of whatever else is happening now in the present? With every bygone year, I keep an account of my foolish and wise ways, of the many good and not-so-good things that have happened in my life, my emotional strength and mental spirit that carries me through everything. In doing so, I believe that we grow in our capacities towards being better than we ever are and could be. Every change is after all an ever-evolving process towards progress. It's a forward march always!


  1. I have seen the movie "Wild". However, I was not as moved by the movie as you were by the book, perhaps the book is better. You could tell. But, I liked the actor who played her mother. She was so lively as a person.

    On your second subject, I do not deny what you are saying but I believe that in an Indian society, even men face similar questions and perhaps even more. In fact, I feel that the men are by default so stereotyped that everyone are made to believe that we should be earning by the end of our education, well settled to get married and then work tirelessly till retirement for the family. Any offset to this routine is considered a sign of a loser, of irresponsibility; so considered by both Men and women alike.

    1. I Know we are fraught with gender issues both for men and women in our country. It's a grave injustice to both the sexes when we keep contemplating about only the misery of women when men like you pointed out suffer from many social conventions too. Perhaps, the change lies in working together towards the collective issues and equations that can be tackled when joined hands equally.

  2. Thank you for writing it. Taking a cue from it I intend to write a similar encounter about marriage-women-society at my blog.
    Also can you please tell me how to follow your blog? I am new to blogging and I am not seeing any option to follow.

    1. HI! Welcome to the Blog World. :)
      Looking forward to reading your thoughts on the subject we both perhaps are most interested about.
      I've added the "Follow" button on top left corner of the blog just below the header(blog title). Hope you have no trouble locating it.
      Thanks for visiting my blog. :) Keep Writing.


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