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Anne Frank and Charlotte Bronte

I read these books, separated by a time span of 3 years. And while I would like to say that both of them represent a different time and their lives were completely different from each other, I found them both to be highly relevant in my life. 

Anne Frank with her extremely short life during the early 20th century and Charlotte Bronte with her Victorian Era upbringing during the early 19th century, both, have a definite and lasting impression on girls all over the world.

I have cried and winced in pain while reading Anne Frank's Diary and while I have not read any novel written by Bronte, when I am writing here about the two, I often wonder how would life have turned for both these women (one was a girl who died young, the other died aged 36), could their literary accomplishments fulfill their inner aspirations? How would Anne live after the war ended? Would she have published her diary? Would she chose to be a novelist? How would Charlotte Bronte come to terms with the loneliness and superficiality of her victorian life and the restlessness it ensued?

1. The Story of Anne Frank- Mirjam Pressler. 

The more I read about Anne, the more grateful I feel about having this life full of comforts and luxury.

Her energy and outlook towards living a life during those war days is such a humble reminder for all of us to be more humane in our approach to living our lives now, six decades later.

I always think of how Anne would have lived her life had she been alive today. She's a constant source of unfailing inspiration and my personal guide in times of distress.

You'll live forever, Dear Anne!

2. The Poems of Charlotte Bronte- Charlotte Bronte.

Aah! Charlotte Bronte.

Much is written on how she was a better novelist than a poet and that she abandoned poetry after the success of Jane Eyre... I have not read her novels though I have read, loved, quoted and memorized her poems! I am intrigued by her thoughts as she weaves her spell upon words that are as delightful as Victorian evenings! 

Oh Charlotte! She rings feelings and fantasies in a subtle thread of delicacy! I am enchanted each time I read or remember her 'Evening Solace'.

The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed;
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed.

It dwells upon me that the heart bleeds but it produces such gems of loneliness. How I wish to go back in time, to be able to meet her and hold her hands and listen her sing! That would be life worth lived!


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