Aah Shilpasagar! When we(read: my seniors, some juniors and majorly my classmates and me) first worked on the special issue for the 75th year of its launch it gave us something which is invaluable and so precious our memories are intertwined with it! Yesterday, on Dec 16th, 2011 Shilpasagar was relaunched by our juniors and what a proud moment it is for us! The editor of the 75th year special issue, my friend and fellow classmate Pooja described that she had grandmotherly sentiments for the current issue! I wouldn't say grandmotherly but definitely motherly instincts for me when I saw a video of the launch. I wish I knew of the launch. How much I miss not being there!
I am so getting a copy on monday for myself! I can't wait for all the nostalgia to again seep through my mind and heart. Oh Sir JJ! Love and beauty in all forms! Give me that part of my life, let me relive those memories again. Once a JJ'ite, always a JJ'ite... not everyone in frames, still a part of it! Mee JJ'kar~
At Matrimandir, Auroville, January 2009. Last trip together. |
Sir J.J. environs. |
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