"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." — Mark Twain
Have I ever mentioned Dr. Ida Scudder? She was the daughter of a missionary who became a doctor and worked in Vellore, Tamil Nadu all her life. She dedicated herself to the people of India. This book that I had been reading was first published in 1984. I first read it in 2004. What a long time! I would be lying or not be true to myself if I say I did not cry my heart out while reading it. Do you imagine a young American woman settling in India in 1900 and giving not just medical treatment but hope to the people of Vellore? She continued working till 1960. 60 long years.... She founded the Vellore Medical College and Hospital through endless struggle and she also encouraged and educated young Indian women to study medicine and become doctors, nurses. How inspiring! When I look around the dearth of goodness today, I wonder how and why would anyone so long ago care about people dying in India and care to come and treat them! It was all about morals, kindness, humanity and good faith! Look at us now! People in the 18th and 19th century would be laughing on us, pitying us for our foolishness! We consider ourselves modern and technology wise but are we? Do we even behave like humans anymore? To me, asking myself these questions and looking out for answers, it is all so saddening! I can cry out of self pity, out of helplessness but really Would I ever be able to do anything that closely relates to being human?

Dr. Ida Scudder has filled such hope and tremendous inspiration in me- in a way, its revival of energy, of the good faith and the kindness which makes sure I am still sensitive to everything happening around me. My heart has not yet gone cold and the tears have not yet dried, but perhaps I won't shed them out of helplessness anymore.
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