The last few days have been harrowing. Listening to all the crass and senseless statements by the politicos in our nation makes me wonder if we are closer to reaching our doom as a Democratic nation. I've been reading and studying the governing system and public administration for quite some time now. And though I've no expertise on the subject, I understand that the people who carefully studied and drafted the constitution were top notch intellectuals who knew what they were doing. If only, this current breed of pseudo-politicians understood what being a Democratic nation means, then we could have some peace and not make a collective fool of ourselves. This being said, I'm saddened to see the state of our affairs in cities and small villages in Maharashtra. Everyday the news channels broadcast a story on thirsty hamlets, drought-stricken lands and dying animals in Marathwada. Now somewhere water is being sold at 1paise per litre rate. This is what we've come to. We ...
"Some of the sweetest things in life are through greatest struggling battles"